Paper Prompt (45 pts.)
Prompt as presented in Poulakos's syllabus: "A 5-6 page paper discussing the ways in which some rhetorical concepts function within the play that you will be assigned." --> 45/200 points
Prompt as particularly designed for you: With the text explicitly in mind (and the context of its writing implicitly so), write a 5-6 page paper (with standard margins) about how the following terms play/interplay in Sophocles' "Antigone":
1) pragmatographia: vivid description of an action or event.
2) macrologia: long-winded speech; using more words than are necessary.
3) exuscitatio: emotional utterance that seeks to move hearers to like feelings.
These terms (and longer definitions of them) can be found in Richard Lanham's excellent little reference book "A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms." If you are or intend to be a COMMRC major, you may want to acquire your own copy. Otherwise, you can view mine during my office hours. Please email me to let me know if you're coming by to flip through it.
You MUST write on at least two terms, but will be rewarded accordingly for writing thoughtfully on all three terms. Remember that it will serve you well to refer to the Poulakos and Poulakos textbook. You may also see "in's" for such related terms as "ethos", "dissoi logoi", &c. However, you should focus most of your analytical attention on the above two/three terms. Your paper is due Wed, April 12, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. You must bring the paper to class yourself and on time, as I will subtract just as many points from the paper as minutes you are late turning it in.
Grading Criteria: You'll be evaluated on the quality of your ideas and the soundness of your thesis and argument(s). Grammar and spelling are not in and of themselves a grade, but poor grammar and inaccurate spelling affect meaning and can sometimes effect one you don't intend; therefore, points will be deducted when awkwardness or ambiguity arise from an error. Be not discouraged, though, from employing a little playful irony.
Good luck!